

[gamipress_button label=”Click here to request Video Post bonus points!” id=”CT-Passion”]
Earn 1 bonus point for each video post!
-video must be 40 – 90 seconds long
-video must be “on point” regarding the discussion topic
-video must be a YouTube link


REFLECTORS want lots of breaks to go off and read and discuss. They learn best from activities where:
-There are opportunities to observe and consider;
-There is a strong element of passive involvement such as listening to a speaker or watching a video;
-There is time to think before having to act or contribute;
-There is opportunity for research and problems can be probed in some depth;
-They can review what was happening;
-They are asked to produce reports that carefully analyse a situation or issue;
-There is interaction with others without any risks of strong feelings coming to the fore;
-They can finalise a view without being put under pressure.
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