Picture This:
Having trouble focusing on what you want? It might be you don’t have a clear enough image in your mind of exactly what it is you want. After all, how can you focus on what you can’t see?
If this sounds familiar, try this exercise to engage all your senses.
- See – What does the object of your desire look like? Picture it in your mind down to the tiniest detail. Imagine the goal completed. What does your life look like when you reach that point? What will it look like going forward?
- Hear – What is your inner voice telling you about your goal? What will others tell you when they see it happening in your life?
- Touch – Reach for it in your mind. Hold the image so firmly you can feel the weight of your dream in your hands.
- Smell – Does your dream bring a scent? For example, financial success might carry the tang of a handful of crisp new hundred-dollar bills.
- Taste – Have you ever wanted something so bad that you could taste it? Yes, aim for that feeling.
Got it? Great! Congratulate yourself because you’ve just found focus!