An avatar of Prof. Rich

I’m passionate about many things, and your success is my #1 priority!

I am an expert in Change Technology with more than 40 years of Experience!

In 1965, while in 4th grade, I was diagnosed with an unusual learning disability. This was long before the condition was fully understood and treatment methodologies were practiced. Essentially, I learned by doing and did my best to fit in with my peers. Life for me was confusing and often fraught with disappointment.

I struggled as a new college student. I was very undisciplined and lacked focus and direction in community college back in the 1970s.   My academic performance was poor to average at best, and guess what?  I didn’t care!  I went to school during the Vietnam era and had no clue what I wanted to study or what career I wanted to train for.  I was terrified about being drafted (as were all of us) and decided to major in FUN and minor in Philosophy.

Fast forward to the end of the Vietnam War, and although I was grateful for having not been drafted, I personally still had no direction.  I applied to and was accepted by, the School of Visual Arts and studied photography, painting, and film-making.  It was fun and glamorous to live and study in Manhattan (New York City).

Because I did poorly in community college, fewer than half my credits were accepted when I transferred to SVA resulting in 1 extra year (5 vs. 4) of college in order to earn my BFA.  I was determined to excel this time in college and graduated with an A- average (3.81 GPA).

My first real teaching gig was teaching sections of photography in 1978, and I was hooked on all the positive changes a teacher could make in the world.  I decided to enroll in Rutgers University and earn my master’s degree in education (Ed.M).  I studied retraining adults for new careers without realizing how appropriate this decision would become.

I continued to work as a professional photographer and teach part-time, but by the time the 1990s came around, film photography was all but dead thanks to the newly emerging digital technology.  My income and ability to earn a living were greatly affected and I decided to change careers, and “re-tool” my skills.  Fortunately, my art background helped me intuitively understand computer science, and I became quite skilled with all things “computer “. I studied computer programming, web design, computer repair, networking, software applications, and medical patient simulation.

After working at a community college for 20 years I retired in 2015. I continue teaching first-year students and returning adults and am finally realizing my dream of teaching topics that helped me survive as an individual with Asperger Syndrome.

If you or your child struggles with learning, I can help!