The Composer

Besides being concrete in speech and utilitarian in getting what they want, the Composer Artisans are informative and attentive in their social roles. Composers are just as reluctant to direct others’ behavior as are Performers, though they appear even more so, since they are more attentive.

 While all the Artisans are artistic in nature, Composers (perhaps ten per cent of the population) seem to excel in the “fine arts,” having not only a natural grace of movement, but also an innate sense what fits and what doesn’t fit in artistic compositions. Of course, composing must not be thought of as only writing music, but as bringing into harmonious form any aspect of the world of the five senses, and so when an especially gifted painter, sculptor, choreographer, film maker, songwriter, chef, decorator, or fashion designer shows up, he or she is likely to be an iSfP.

 Composers, like the other Artisans, have a special talent for “tactical” variation, and such talent differs radically from that possessed by Idealists, Rationals, and Guardians (who have their own unique and inherent abilities). As the word “tactical” implies, Artisans keep closely in “touch” with the physical world, their senses keenly tuned to reality. But, while the Crafter is attuned to the tool and its uses, the Composer is attuned to sensory variation in color, line, texture, aroma, flavor, tone-seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing in harmony. This extreme concreteness and sensuality seems to come naturally to the iSfPs, as if embedded “in the warp and woof” of their make.

A full description of the Composer is in Please Understand Me or Please Understand Me II

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