Group Exercise 1 – Tactile/Kinesthetic

Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners

You learn best when physically engaged in a “hands-on” activity. In the classroom, you benefit from a lab setting where you can manipulate materials to learn new information. You learn best when you can be physically active in the learning environment. You benefit from instructors who encourage in-class demonstrations, “hands on” student learning experiences, and fieldwork outside the classroom.
Strategies for the Tactile/ Kinesthetic Learner:
  1. To help you stay focused on class lectures, sit near the front of the room and take notes throughout the class period. Don’t worry about correct spelling or writing in complete sentences. Jot down key words and draw pictures or make charts to help you remember the information you are hearing.
  2. When studying, walk back and forth with textbooks, notes, or flashcards in hand and read the information out loud.
  3. Think of ways to make your learning tangible, i.e. something you can put your hands on. For example, make a model that illustrates a key concept. Spend extra time in a lab setting to learn an important procedure. Spend time in the field (e.g. a museum, historical site, or job site) to gain first-hand experience of your subject matter.
  4. To learn a sequence of steps, make 3’x 5′ flashcards for each step. Arrange the cards on a table top to represent the correct sequence. Put words, symbols, or pictures on your flashcards — anything that helps you remember the information. Use highlighter pens in contrasting colors to emphasize important points. Limit the amount of information per card to aid recall. Practice putting the cards in order until the sequence becomes automatic.
  5. When reviewing new information, copy key points onto a chalkboard, easel board, or other large writing surfaces.
  6. Make use of the computer to reinforce learning through the sense of touch. Using word processing software, copy essential information from your notes and textbook. Use graphics, tables, and spreadsheets to further organize material that must be learned.
  7. Listen to audio recordings of important course material while exercising, e.g. while you are jogging or working out in the gym.

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