Conduct Policy

Be Respectful Of Others…

This website is a supervised independent study concept, with periodic personal one to one Zoom meetings. Learners who are part of a “limited cohort” online experience, are encouraged to interact with one another via this website and leave comments, and/or participate in group discussions.

Please read, comprehend, and follow this:

Netiquette Policy

  • Respect others and their opinions. In online learning, students from various backgrounds come together to learn. It is important to respect their feelings and opinions though they may differ from your own.
  • Tone down your language.  Given the absence of face-to-face clues, written text can easily be misinterpreted.  Avoid the use of strong or offensive language and the excessive use of exclamation points. Review before posting in order to remove any strong language.
  • Keep personal discussions off of the class discussion board and engage in a separate student forum within the class for this or use email.
  • Do not type all capitals, which is difficult to read, and has come to be considered the electronic version of “shouting.”
  • Do be courteous, even when you disagree, with your instructors as well as your classmates, and always provide clear, logical support for your views.
  • Consider others’ privacy.  Ask for permission if you want to forward someone’s email messages to third parties. Keep in mind that all private email mail is considered copyrighted by the original author.
  • Avoid inappropriate material.
  • Be forgiving. If someone states something that you find offensive, mention this directly to the instructor. Remember that the person contributing to the discussion might be new to this form of communication. What you find offensive may quite possibly have been unintended and can best be cleared up by the instructor. If the instructor is unable to resolve the issue, they should escalate to Prof. Rich, as should the student.
  • Think before you hit the send button. Think carefully about the content of your message before contributing it. Once sent to the group there is no taking it back. Grammar and spelling errors reflect on you and your audience might not be able to decode misspelled words or poorly constructed sentences. It can also adversely affect your grade.
  • Escalate your issues privately via email versus discussion forums. Should you have a disagreement with an instructor or classmate it is best to send an individual email to that individual. Do not argue your case in the discussion forum.
  • Brevity is best. Be as concise as possible when contributing to a discussion. Your points might be missed if hidden in a flood of text.

About The Resources:

All content on this website is the copyrighted intellectual property of Prof. Rich! This includes, but not limited to YouTube videos, all images and graphics, all written text, website design and structure, and all code associated with this website.

You May Not:

  • Copy images and text
  • Share your account (username & password)
  • Share links to YouTube videos and other resources

Prof. Rich uses the latest and most sophisticated tracking software and the system monitors for all infractions listed above.

Learners who violate any policy or term will have their membership access revoked and their account will be cancelled without refund or reprise.

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