About Our Services

Our story

Traditional higher education does not always meet the needs of the students. In order to comply with various accreditation standards, courses and approaches have become formula driven and “cookie cutter” in approach. While this may benefit 70% of incoming students and satisfy accreditation scrutiny, there is an increasing number of students who simply don’t fit the standardized mold. Special needs, ESL, or Multi-lingual students  face tremendous challenges “fitting in” and benefiting from an educational system designed primarily for main stream students!

If struggling students are wise enough or motivated enough to seek intervention, their odds of success are greatly improved. Although institutions often offer counseling, tutoring, and general remediation options, the additional layers of scheduling and implementation are left to the struggling student, and often do not yield the desired results!

Students sitting on steps gathered around an open laptop.
Students checking out the latest lesson!
A group of young college students smiling and optimistic!
Today’s students know each of us learns differently!
A young man studying in a private space.
Some of us don’t do well in groups!

“Following the pack does not guarantee personal fulfillment or academic success.”

Richard Swearingen – Founder

Who I am…

I had tremendous difficulty learning as both a child and an adult. In my early school years I experienced tremendous difficulty focusing on daily activities, reading and comprehending, and socializing with adults and my peers. School counselors attributed it to possible Dyslexia, and a military doctor (I was a military brat) suggested I may  be a “Little Professor”, and actually have Asperger’s Syndrome.

Refusing to accept or believe these possible diagnosis, my parents opted to put me in different schools with different cohorts of students and educators and hope for different results. This resulted in my family moving yearly until I reached 6th grade, but the symptoms never changed…

Fortunately for me, I was blessed to have many wonderful “old school” educators take an interest in my plight and spent additional time developing specialized tactics to motivate me along the way.

What I do…

I have spent more than 40 years preparing young adults and returning students for their pursuit of higher education, lifelong learning, and workplace success.  Channeling experience from my own journey, I have learned students need to understand themselves and their inner motivation before succeeding in any course of study. It’s not uncommon to find some students abandon their original path in favor of a more suitable educational foundation.

My process is holistic, genuine, and based on decades of experience helping students find their “why”. My approach to academic success takes future students on a self-exploratory inner journey crafted to help them understand themselves, their situation, their options, and ultimately move them through a success curriculum guaranteed to provide the foundation for continuing their education and increase the odds of future success.

Meet PROF. Rich


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